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All customers must complete and sign a registration card and agree to the disclaimer.


Always make sure your dogs have been walked and toileted before their appointment to ensure they are relaxed and comfortable.


Your dog may be photographed/filmed before during and after their groom, photos may be used for our portfolio, social media, website and advertising. Please let us know if you do not want your dog's photo to be used/taken.


Full payment is required at the end of the grooming session.


Please read our Privacy Policy which includes our Data Protection Policy.

Appointment Times

Ensure you are home at the time of appointment, a ten minute window before and after the appointment time should be given for my arrival. A confirmation text of your appointment will be sent a day before.


An accessible parking space is required within 25 metres of the property in order to access a power source.


When making a grooming appointment, you will be given an “Estimated Arrival Time.” We will make every effort to arrive during that time frame. As a mobile service, our schedule is subject to interruptions and delays: refuelling, traffic, weather and other situations that may arise out of our control. If we will be more than 15 minutes early or late, we will make every effort to contact you.


Should you fail to keep to your agreed appointment time, we will wait for a maximum of 15 minutes after which time it will be too late to fit in your dog's groom without affecting other clients. In this event, your appointment will have to be rescheduled and a cancellation fee may apply.


On rare occasions we may need to cancel your appointment due to equipment failure, weather, illness, etc.

Cancellation Policy

We understand things come up and you may need to cancel your appointment. Please inform us as soon as possible if you need to cancel your appointment.


If you fail to give 48 hours notice ahead of your appointment then you may be charged 50-100% of the grooming price.


​We do not express anal glands. The Royal Veterinary College currently advises this should no longer take place by groomers.


We only pluck ears for dogs if the dog allows it. If they do not, we will clip the hairs shorter instead.


Please tell us if your dog displays any difficult or aggressive behaviour. Otherwise you are putting the safety of the groomer and dog at risk of injury or harm. We will not accept liability of any injury caused by difficult or aggressive behaviour from your dog.


At our discretion the grooming process can be stopped if your dog becomes uncontrollable or a threat to themselves or us; full price of the groom is still payable. Muzzles are used as a last resort.


If your dog is extremely scared or anxious during the grooming process we will work together as much as possible to help them overcome their fear, and associate grooming as a rewarding, positive experience; additional handling fees may apply.


Please ensure your dog is up-to-date on its’ flea treatment and vaccinations. Please inform us beforehand if you are aware your dog has fleas. Any dogs found to have fleas can be treated with a flea shampoo. An additional cost will be charged.


Please inform us if your dog is currently unwell or has any pre-existing medical conditions. This is so we can take the necessary steps to ensure their comfort.


We will not accept liability for any health problems uncovered or irritated by any part of the grooming process. You will be notified of any abnormalities, (if noticed), during or after the appointment, and if safe to do so, the groom will still go ahead.​

Matt Policy

We like to create a happy and positive atmosphere for all the dogs during their groom. So if we encounter a dog which is matted, very knotty and in an uncomfortable condition, we make it our responsibility to advise shaving the coat short. Trying to brush out a large amount of knots or matts can be very stressful and painful to the dog, and they will therefore associate being groomed as an uncomfortable and negative experience.


Matts which are not brushed out or shaved off will in time cause skin irritations due to dander, dirt and parasites trapped under the matts. As matts get tighter they will pull from the skin causing sores and bald patches, in severe cases maggots can infest the sores. Ear bruising/haematoma bleeding can occur due to matted ears and head shaking once matts are removed.


If your dog's coat is severely matted, beyond the ability to brush out, then the most humane, fair and least stressful method is a short clip off. It is not uncommon to find pre-existing sores, hot spots, and other skin issues once the matted coat is removed, there is a possibility your dog's skin can become irritated from being clipped so close.


​Dematting can be a longer process than a usual haircut because even though we are shaving underneath the knots and matts, we need to be extra careful and delicate. It takes a more significant toll of our equipment, we may need to use more products, and an extra wash may be required in order to make sure the skin underneath the matts is clean. Therefore an additional fee may be charged for dematting or de-tangling on top of the groom price; £10-£30 depending on severity and dog size. 


A de-matting/de-tangling form will need to be signed before the grooming.


To avoid your dog from becoming matted in the future, we will happily work together to set up regular grooming routine and appointments.

Matt Policy
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

All data about you is treated as strictly confidential and is held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). We understand that customers care about the use and storage of their personal information and we value your trust in allowing us to do this in a careful and sensible manner. We have created this privacy policy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to the privacy of our customers.


By using this website, you give your consent that all personal data you submit may be processed in the manner and for the purposes described below.


What personal information do we collect from you?

  • When you contact us through the website, via text message, phone call or email you must agree to us storing your details (Name, telephone numbers, address and email). If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

  • Personal information is also collected via registration forms.

  • Any data submitted via our Facebook Pages (including Facebook’s messaging service), Instagram; the accounts are all password protected and administered only by authorised users.


How do we use your personal information?

  • To help us identify you and any accounts you hold with us.

  • To enable us to review, develop and improve the website and our services.

  • To carry out marketing and statistical analysis.

  • To notify you about changes to our website and services.

  • To provide you with information about products or future events which we feel may interest you where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.

  • To confirm/remind/arrange future bookings or arrangements.

  • To send invoices in respect of bookings or services.

  • To make contact in the event of an emergency whilst you or your dog is in our company/care.


Please let us know at any time should you wish that method to be changed or if you subsequently want your details removing from this.


Who do we share your information with?

  • Information about your website visit is, if you consent, shared with Google’s Analytics service for the purpose of tracking the use of our website to enable us to improve it.

  • We may disclose your personal information to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Madeline Lisa Grooming, our participants, customers or others. This includes but is not limited to exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection, credit risk reduction and dispute policies.


Deletion of personal data – the ‘right to be forgotten’

If personal data is no longer necessary to the purpose for which it is intended, it will be deleted. If a client/prospective client wishes for personal data to be deleted, they can do so by written request (via any means). They will receive confirmation of such within one calendar week.




Should a client or prospective client have any comments or questions regarding the use and protection of their personal information by us, they should contact us.

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